Meeting Date
Action Items
Send out radio volunteer description to be posted on communication channels
Connect with Bill about digitizing old JPCC files
Brian H
Follow up with SDOT
Include questions about 900 Rainier
Post about Neighbor Day
put together some minutes from the 900 Rainier mtg for the community members who missed it.
Brian H
Brian D
James W
Mike B
Andrew Koh - Neighborhood Member
Alex Cooley - Neighborhood Member
Laura Jenkins - DoN
Joe Elenbass - SPD
Vince - Neighborhood Member
6:30 New Neighbor Introductions
6:40 SPD Crime Prevention Tips/E. Precinct Updates
6:50 Pipeline Improvement Grant Update
7:05 SDOT Coordination
7:20 900 Rainier Ave S Project Meeting Debrief
7:35 Email Server and Contact List
Meeting - 210412
SPD Update
East Precinct Building Safety Measures
Moving fencing at E precinct down, concrete blocks are staying up at least until June
E precinct
Violent crime is up do to assaults during robberies
Auto Thefts are up
Email me Joe Elenbass questions about specific incidents
HUB Update
Have Joe review the HUB box and placement
MaryKate is the co-captain
Radio volunteers
Brian H volunteering
Andrew Volunteering
Looking for other volunteers
Post description of radio to nextdoor
Pipeline Improvement
Looking for community grants to beautify entrances to pipeline
Y is looking for volunteers to help with planning and the grant writing
Cafe Weekend submitted a grant for the ‘neighborhood plan’
Who is on the committee
SDOT Coordination
Set up Quarterly Meetings
Follow up with previous issues
900 Rainier
Traffic Concern
SDOT will not allow them to keep the midblock access from Rainier
All traffic will have to go through alleyway or down Hiawatha
Doing affordability for MFTE and MHA
Smaller units with higher density
400 Units, 130 parking spaces
2 floors of building are slated for a hotel
Timeline is 4-5 years, Opening in 2024
Can we get a lease back option for San Fernando?
No curb S of Bush
What does it take to get this installed?
People are concerned about the speeds of traffic coming off of I90
Email Server
Gather Mail
Low cost option that seems well regarded
Brian D Proposes
Brian H Seconds
Board approves
Mail Chimp for outgoing mail
The free version is branded, but it’s free
JPCC Board Position
Currently only have one seat open
Alex expressed interest
Please keep coming and participate in meetings!