Meeting Date
Brian H
Mike B
James W
Crista - Cafe Weekend Owner
Joe Elenbass - SPD
Lesley Bain - Urban Planner
Vince - Neighborhood Member
6:30-6:40 SPD Updates
6:40-7 Emergency HUB Presentation
7-7:25 Discussion with Framework planner
7:25-7:40 Discuss plan for DoN grant applications
7:40-7:50 900 Rainier Ave S Outreach
7:50-8 Spring Clean
Meeting - 2021-03-08
SPD Updates
Car Prowls still up
Violent Crime is down in 2021 so far
Cafe Weekend Broken into again…
Another Haiwatha store front had an attempted break in
Crista is interested in starting a neighborhood watch for Hiawatha
Joe Elenbass and another officer can help provide the information and answer questions about what to look for and what to report
The city does not have the resources to provide officiers
How can the neighborhood get ‘Neighborhood Watch Signs’?
Emergency HUB Presentation
The box will be moved to Judkins park later this week!
How to use the box
The top and front face lift up
Two locks on either side
Look for the the red binder with information for each helper job
Each of the bins is labeled with its contents
The folder includes instructions
Note the bin is not designed to give first aid or supplies
MaryKate has volunteered to be the co-captain
Discussion with Framework planner
Lesley has experience with
She says that the city hasn’t done a lot of neighborhood planning
Need to have a plan for what we want the neighborhood/streets to look like
It can be a neighborhood document and not a city official document
Easier and faster to assemble
Takes a long time for the
Has less power for working with developers
How can we define the neighborhood before the city defines us?
This work is generally paid for through grants through the neighborhood
These are flexible
We previous got some for neighborhood flags along Hiawatha
For matching grants we need to have matching volunteer hours
We would need SPU buy in for work above the pipeline
What are different ways we can engage the neighborhood?
Discuss plan for DoN grant applications
Ran out of time to discuss this further
Rainier Ave S Outreach
We missed the public outreach design review
MaryKate has a professional relationship with Brad and Lisa
The council thinks it best to meet with them sooner rather than later
Crista is concerned about the number of cars needing to use the alley and their access to get onto Rainier
What is the plan for this?
Spring Clean
SPU is normally the sponsor, but nothing is being coordinated for this year
How can we get the trash bags collected
Brian has a truck for collecting the supplies
Rebecca has the supplies from last year
Suggestion to get neighbors to clean along their own streets instead of a centralized effort, also this helps with COVID
Generally it’s in the end of April or the beginning of May
How will we handle the sharps?
Crista will help promote once a date has been selected
It’s important to track the people and their time for matching funds hours