Meeting Date
Brian H
Mike B
Brian D
Vince - Neighborhood Member
Joe Elenbass - SPD
Freyton - DESC
Crista - Cafe Weekend
6:30-6:40 SPD Neighborhood Safety Updates
6:40- 6:45 Davis/Dearborn Townhomes and Water Pipeline Gardens
6:45-7 Neighborhood HUB Updates
7-7:15 Amazon Fresh @ 23rd & Jackson Project
7:15-7:30 SDOT Meeting Debrief & Next Steps
7:30-7:40 Council Seat Vacancy
7:40-8 Other or End Early
Meeting - 210208
Neighborhood Safety
E Precinct reopening put on hold due to vandalism, ETA TBD
E Precinct Year End Stats
Up in domestic violence, arson, property crime, brugralies, car theft, and violent crime (homicide, aggravated assaults, shootings, )
Down in theft, sexual assaults
Contact Joe for more information about specific statistics
Please report any crimes for data collection
Joe can help facilitate a neighborhood watch
Joe to share resources for unhoused people
SPD is no longer involved with unhoused issues, King County Still is
Cafe Weekend was broken into last night
Needle collection / sharps container installed in the Hiawatha Alley
Joe offered to be looped in on any emails with SDOT
Freyton and crisis diversion facility introduction
Capacity is capped due COVID
Looking to engage with council due to firearm incidents in December
Non-emergency numbers for people suffering from a crisis
Crisis Connection -
24 Hour: 866-427-4747
Office: 206-461-2310
King County 211 (for community resources: 800-621-4636
Call 911 and ask for Community Service Officers (non enforcement officers)
Call 911 and ask for Crisis Response Team (Officer with a social working and extra training background)
Ask if the person has a case manager and what agency they are with
Neighborhood HUB
Box is setup and just waiting for install
MaryKate to be the co-captain
Keys should be distributed to the JPCC
Questions from the board:
Who will track these keys?
How many people are needed to operate the Box?
How will the HUB committee be organized?
Need Diane’s input
Amazon Fresh @ 23rd and Jackson
CANDC sent a letter and their meeting will be on 2/11
JPCC will decide on their response based on
SDOT Debrief & Next Steps
Council should prioritize list of items to follow up with SDOT
Charles and Hiawatha intersection with the incoming apt building
Loading Zones
Emergency exit
Left turn from Jackson to Rainier
How do SDOT and OPCD work together?
What frequency should we meet with SDOT/OPCD?
Get a quarterly meeting with all parties to discuss what projects are going on in the neighborhood
Davis Townhomes
Yeorgia emailed planner based on debris dumped on flower beds
Not sure what is the best way to follow up with construction superintendents to get results
Council Seat Vacancy
Marks Resignment
No opposition from the council
The council is able to fill vacancies by a simple vote
Does anyone know someone who is interested in joining?
How to get new apartments involvements
Make JPCC mailers to increase neighborhood involvement