October Meeting, 6:30pm

Meeting Date


  1. Ratify Election Results
  2. Officer Positions
  3. Davis/Dearborn Property
  4. Pedestrian safety
  5. Other Items


6:41pm brian, bill, mark, yeorgia, brian h, linda, rebecca, mike

Kenny from neighborhood to talk about pedestrian issues

1. Ratify

All improve

2. Officer positions

Brian Danin to be President

Michael to be treasurer

Brian H nominated to be secretary

Yeorgia to be vice president

Linda to be communications

Bill has moved to 21st and Pine, still owns the properties here. Wants to be involved more as a general member. Mike, Mark: general Rebecca: general, with emphasis on environmental ecosystems of the neighborhood

Motion to aprove the above board positions: unanimously passes

Rebecca is talking about a community meeting to come together and have community come together to shape an overall mission. She will help reach out directly to people, and we'd also like

Motion to add this to bottom of the agenda by Bill, Rebecca seconds

Bill wants to knock on doors as well as Rebecca

3. Davis/Dearbon property

We would like to get our thoughts together and have some key points.

Meeting with the developers

Paint colors and materials could really be better

Also followup on the ordinance. Maybe there is something there? see: http://www.jacksonplace.org/pages/807-davis-pl

We'd also like to see more commitment to community engagement: P-Patch, better access to street, etc.

4. Pedestrian safety

New turn arrow to the left, it's dedicated but not protected, and we would like to request that it's protected.

Also ask about new striping and moving things over, with bulbs (Charles and Rainier)

Rebecca would like to take online surveys about intersections to find out which are most important to the community.

5. Other items

Send meeting notices to building managers to send to their constituents: try and get more involved with JPCC in the community.

Adjourn 7:56pm