Minutes JPCCC Board 2017-05-08

Meeting Date


Board members: Rebecca, Larry, Anne, Michael, Mike, Brian

John Doerschuk also in attendance.


  1. Crime and encampments
  2. Traffic and parking
  3. JPCC poster
  4. Local events
  5. Other

1. Crime and encampments

John, report about breaking into 999 Hiawatha, from encampment, caught by police General uptick in crime, including 4 bikes stolen from the property recently

Encampments, city is supposed to focus attention on clearing the I-90/Rainier. There is a criminal element and lots of human (and other) waste.

Postcards still available, can print more if we think it will help

2. Traffic and parking

Jackson Place boundaries: will try to use this info for tabling and a possible mailer to promote meeting attendance around RZP and traffic issues

Parking on Charles concerns with Dearborn closing.

Rebecca: Wants to survey and petition community about traffic or parking changes.

Larry: Person from SDOT was handing out questionnaire.

RPZ: restricted parking zone, documentation needed. Talk to SDOT to get some advice? 75% occupied with 35% used by non-local vehicles, 10 contiguous blocks. Additionally, Judkins Park LightRail is looking into the surrounding area and parking, etc. which we can possibly coordinate collaboratively.

Haven't heard back about letter to SDOT regarding Dearborn closure. We had asked for a review based on current construction, and ideally a delay until the construction is alleviated on streets such as Charles Ave (the only entrance and exit other than Dearborn which will soon close).

Meeting with SDOT and Judkins LightRail meeting, Brian attended, will plan to reach out and try and find out more about outcomes from the community discussion, and see if we can find out more about their priorities and how we might be able to collaborate.

Rebecca will talk to SDOT, Michael to talk to Vince about Judkins

Need to gather more info.

3. JPCC poster

Mike sent John the sign design - we want 25 to 40, but there may be a minimum or discount at certain quantity, John will report back regarding pricing.

4. Local events

Board picnic: we discussed reaching out to new neighbors/frequent posters on next door to join

JPCC will be the fiscal sponsor for summer event "Hiawatha Night Out" July 16th 3-7pm, whole neighborhood is invited. Larry to send more details. Jody's party. Perhaps we can facilitate and promote a discussion about pertinent issues such as parking, traffic, light-rail station, etc. Larry will talk to Jody about presentation. Would like to have a table and a brochure.

First Tuesday in August is a block party.

First Monday after Labor Day is the JPCC elections BBQ in Judkins Park. We would love to have more involvement.

5. Other

Jackson park is 700 domiciles.

Construction on 18th and Jackson, likely 5-7 stories, probably 162+ residents, retail on bottom.

Seattle In Progress has a good website that shows current constructions projects with additional details.